5 Key Use Cases for Software-Defined Solutions

5 Key Use Cases for Software-Defined Solutions

Organizations are starting to recognize the benefits of adopting software-defined solutions into their technology stack. Environments can be set up with software-defined architectures that make them faster and reduces the time it takes to accomplish tasks like modifying physical networks, adding storage capacity, or setting up a new physical server. First, let’s look at popular software-defined solutions currently in use. From there, we’ll explore some use cases for software-defined solutions. 

What is Software-Defined Storage?

Software-defined storage (SDS) architecture separates storage used for software from the underlying hardware. SDS differs from other systems like network-attached storage by having the ability to perform on any industry-standard system, meaning that software doesn’t require any dependency on the underlying hardware.

You achieve more flexibility by separating software storage from system hardware, making it easier to adapt your applications to new business requirements. In addition, the combination of programmability and resource flexibility lets you work with policy-based management for supporting resources. You can also automate reassigning and provisioning storage capacity. 

SDS Types

Hypervisor-based — Integrates with hypervisor software to replicate virtual machines and disks to other storage locations or another hypervisor.

  • Container-based — Refers to running applications using a container.
  • Distributed file systems — Typically used to offload object storage.
  • HCI software — Combines storage, compute, networking, and virtualization software into one package.

Your organization can benefit from using software-defined storage in the following ways:

  • Future-proofing your software so that it’s independent of any vendor lock-ins on their hardware
  • Setting up faster changes
  • Making it easier to scale applications and resources as needed
  • Letting you achieve greater efficiency in utilizing system resources

What is Software-Defined Networking?


Software-defined networking uses APIs or software-based controllers to communicate with system hardware and route network traffic. There’s no need for dedicated hardware switches. Instead, SDNs use software to create and control a virtual network. They can also control traditional hardware. SDN lets organizations direct data packets through a centralized server. 

Using an SDN versus traditional networking expands the technical capabilities of companies in the following ways:  

  • More control — Developers no longer have to go through the trouble of manually programming vendor-specific hardware devices. Instead, they can control traffic over a network by programming a software-based controller. It also gives network admins flexibility in their choice of networking equipment. They can choose one protocol and communicate with multiple hardware devices using a central controller.
  • Customizable network framework — With an SDN, admins can configure services and allocate network resources in real time. That optimizes how data flows through the network and lets admins give applications with more availability top priority.
  • Improved security — Admins can see everything within the network, allowing them to spot security threats before they affect company systems. It’s also possible to set up zones for various devices with different levels of security or quarantine any compromised devices. 

What is Software-Defined Security?

Software-defined security extracts the functions of network security devices over to a software set-up. Instead of relying on hardware, you can work with access controls, intrusion detection, network segmentation, and other services through software-defined security while enhancing network security.

  • The main components of software-defined include the following:
    Host — A host sends or receives data over the network.
  • Controller — The software-based controller performs all security checks, provides visibility into traffic flows, and gathers and processes network information.
  • Switch — The switch communicates with the controller when determining whether to reject a request or let it through. 

Software-defined security offers an advantage to organizations by:

  • Reducing costs by virtualizing network security applications
  • Enabling dynamic migration of security issues
  • Centralizing security management
  • Allowing integration with other applications to boost responses to security threats
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Use Cases for Software-Defined Solutions

1. Video Networking Issues

Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies had to shift to working remotely, which meant more videoconferencing. Many discovered the weaknesses in their legacy equipment and infrastructure, which often could not support the need for a combined voice, video, and data environment. Companies found issues with traditional routers, servers, and firewalls.

Many businesses also ran into issues with wireless connections and having enough capacity to complete online business functions. When they looked into scaling, they discovered that their outdated equipment needed to be expanded to meet their current and future needs.

Software-defined solutions can help by allowing companies to virtualize networking environments and centralize control functions. That made it possible to expand services as needed by using SDNs to optimize video conference performance and extend its availability to accommodate more users.  

2. Improved Records Accessibility

Healthcare companies must comply with standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Organizations looking to set up an online electronic health records system can use a combination of software-defined security and software-defined software to comply with the security requirements for sensitive patient information while maintaining data consistency. That way, health providers can manage patient data security while saving money on security and hardware costs. 

3. Scale Data Center Networks

Healthcare companies must comply with standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Organizations looking to set up an online electronic health records system can use a combination of software-defined security and software-defined software to comply with the security requirements for sensitive patient information while maintaining data consistency. That way, health providers can manage patient data security while saving money on security and hardware costs. 

4. Optimize Mobile Network

Healthcare companies must comply with standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Organizations looking to set up an online electronic health records system can use a combination of software-defined security and software-defined software to comply with the security requirements for sensitive patient information while maintaining data consistency. That way, health providers can manage patient data security while saving money on security and hardware costs. 

5. Support Service Provider Applications

Healthcare companies must comply with standards set by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Organizations looking to set up an online electronic health records system can use a combination of software-defined security and software-defined software to comply with the security requirements for sensitive patient information while maintaining data consistency. That way, health providers can manage patient data security while saving money on security and hardware costs. 

Get Started with Software-Based Solutions

R2 Unified Technologies helps organizations achieve excellence through future-facing technology. Find out more about how our team of experts can find solutions most suited to your environment by setting up a consultation.